Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hello again

I made a photography website.
I've also moved my full time blogging to tumblr.

This blog has been good to me... but it's time to move on from it. I'm not this person anymore. I think I'm happier.

I hope I'm happier.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Come to the city and turn the lights back on

Hi, again.

Tumblr has been down for twenty-four hours. I'm dying a little bit. After getting a tumblr, I've realized how absolutely boring the internet is when not on tumblr.
So, I'm blogging here.

Not much is new, really.
Still going to school at the art institute and hating every second of it. I feel like each week is more and more week. I feel I will be dead by the end of my time there. It's awful. I'd like for a dream to come true, so I could just drop out and leave it behind forever and it wouldn't matter.
I watched a bootleg of American Idiot on broadway that has since then been taken down because it was illegal. However, it sparked something in me.
I'm missing acting and dancing now more than ever. There's a hole in me, now.
I want to get up to New York to see it live. I want to see it before Michael Esper (one of the leads) leaves. John Gallagher was my favorite in this show, but I was biased because he played the original Moritz in Spring Awakening. He was my default favorite, and then, after watching the bootleg twice and listening to the soundtrack repeatedly, Esper became my favorite. He's.. ugh, he's so good. I want to see it live because I hear stories on tumblr about how amazing he is in the show. It kills me that I don't live in NYC already and can just hop on over to see the show.

I have also been listening to John Gallagher's solo music. It's all live recordings because he doesn't have a record deal, but somehow, it's better this way. I feel like studio recordings strip what's real from songs. His songs are so raw and heartbreaking and honest. My favorite is definitely the song, Gone, Sorry. I was listening to the songs while doing homework one night and I wasn't really paying attention to the actual lyrics of any of the songs. And then finally, as the song was coming to a close, I heard the words, "Now I have you all my best, I'm afraid you'll have to steal the rest. Good luck finding where it went." I stopped what I was doing and started the song over and probably listened to it about five times. It's so. fucking. good. This isn't the same version I have recorded (the one I have is a bit slower [and a bit better.. some of the notes in the lyrics are a bit better and cleaner) but it's still amazing.

I had to take a story or lyrics of a song and tell it through pictures for my creative concepts class. I chose Gone, Sorry. Here are some of my pictures.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Okay, so I am in my Creative Concepts class

and my teacher keeps saying, "Um."
And I have to sit through this for four hours. I'm going to go nuts.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oh my Rowling, I never update anymore.

I used to abuse this thing with updates.

Some The Academy Is... lyrics apply right now:

I still feel the same
No one's to blame


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Morgan, stop eating fucking everything in sight.

It's really time to lose weight. It's not funny anymore.
I am feeling increasingly bad about myself.

Friday, August 6, 2010

A post to complain.

So, I have been addicted to tumblr for some time now.
It's keeping me from bitching and moaning about the same shit over and over again on here.
However, I will recap what's been going on:
So after my car wreck and after my second quarter of school ended, I went to Plano to visit my dad.
'Twas pretty boring.

Then, school started back up again (oh joy unbounded) and I have a teacher whom I have dubbed Sir Assigns A Lot. BECAUSE THAT'S ALL HE DOES. HE GIVES US MORE AND MORE WORK.

The studio is pretty impossible to book, large format photography SUCKS, my portrait photography class is pointless and Hugh is still grading me unfairly (I had to ask him why I got a B on the last assignment. He looked at the photos again and declared I did, in fact, do the assignment correctly and replaced my B with an A. FUCK.). Digital retouching is kind of a pointless class to go to, but it's a lot of work outside of class. Srsly. We have a portfolio project, going on the whole eleven weeks, and we have to take photos pretty much every week based off of one concept. The concept I'm doing (pictured below) is oily wet people, using the studio at school. I need a black backdrop for this and OF COURSE the day before I had the studio booked to do some photos for this assignment, we ran out of the black paper. fml.

Perspective drawing is SO. MUCH. WORK. I feel kind of stupid in that class because I'm not very good at it (surprise! I thought I'd pwn it, but whatever). There's a girl in that class (who wasn't there the past two classes, so maybe she dropped it, I dunno) who is like a Lea Michele doppelgänger. It blew my mind when I first realized it, and now, what has been seen cannot be unseen.
There are some strange people in that class. One guy has a motor tick. He has been sitting next to me. I wouldn't be bothered by this if he didn't have the motor tick (he can't help it, I know, I'm a huge asshole what the fuck ever) and he shakes his head really quickly, like every five seconds. Last class, he sat next to me, to where if I looked at the instructor (who was a sub who WOULD NOT SHUT THE TRUCK UP, OH MY GOD), then I would see him shake his head over and over again. It got annoying really quickly.
And then, there's a really really strange nerdy guy who sat across from me last class and he doesn't shut up. At all. And he talks about pointless things that I don't want to hear about.
I also really hate the drafting lab (the room we use in perspective drawing, or the room interior design students use). Maybe because it's a night class (GOD I HATE NIGHT CLASSES), but there's something about it that I cannot stand. There are mats on the table that are this ugly pale greenish yellow that are rippled. They are supposed to be completely smooth and flat, but they aren't. That drives me up the wall. Our instructor was like, "LOL don't cut on the drafting tables because the mats on them are really expensive." and I thought, "Then why the FUCK are they all rippled?!"

Okay, here are some photos.

Oil series. Model: Marcela Pineda

My last portrait photog assignment. Model: Kristen Cammack (she's such a good model)

And lastly, just some fun with Marcela and her crazy false eyelashes.

Just gonna leave this here:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hilarious. Only not really. Okay sort of.

So, here is my story of my broken water faucet.

Earlier today, I was like, “Hmm, I think I want some ramen noodles.”

So, I put the dry noodles in a bowl, turned on the hot water to cover the noodles with it, and then, the knob for the hot water shot off and was like and the water started shooting out across the kitchen from the hole where the knob had been, soaking absolutely everything, including me. And in the process of going under the sink to turn the hot water off, I got even more soaked.
At first, I was like
but then I was like and after it was over and done with, I was like

PS Tumblr has turned me into a gif fiend.