Thursday, July 8, 2010


I have been ignoring my blog.

I am tired of a lot of stuff including talking about it. Especially when I finally do talk about something and then someone has a problem with that.

And I am so sick of answering the same questions over and over again because people aren't listening the first two times I say something.

Answer redundancy answer.

Anyway, here are some photos from the past month or so. I don't remember exact dates, so... deal.

This is one of my good friends, Justin. He is a Harry Potter aficionado (but I would like to point out: that tie is mine. I bought it before I realized I am totally in Hufflepuff and not Gryffindor. RIP Cedric Diggory [which, by the way, was the number one trending topic on twitter the other day. Cedric Diggory, not RIP Cedric. Parenthesis is too long now stop it Morgan]). I took this set of photos the night of my accident, just a couple hours prior to it. I had a really good time taking these. He is currently in Harry Potter-a-go-go land, meaning, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park in Orlando, Florida. Come fall, he'll be moving to New York for school. I will miss him dearly.
Remember his face; he's going to be on Broadway some day.

This was also taken the night of my accident, just an hour and a half prior to it. I was driving from the Art Institute to Justin's house so we could watch the finale of Glee, which we had just missed because we were doing the photoshoot above. He took these with my camera (around ten o'clock). I think they turned out pretty swell.

My grandparents celebrated their anniversary (God, I cannot remember how many years. Fifty-five? Something like that). We went to River Oaks Country Club and my gran got a strawberry daiquiri. It would have been delicious had there been no alcohol in it.

I bought new makeup wipes, switching to an animal friendly brand called Yes To (I spoke about it in the past.. They have Yes To Carrots, Yes To Tomatoes and Yes To Cucumbers. The wipes are in the cucumber line). When I popped open the plastic cover, the sticker that covers the dispenser said this. And yes, I did smile.

My favorite cousin celebrated his twenty-fourth birthday a few weeks ago. This was the balloon my gran bought him. She's a big fan of balloons and cards. My cousin felt ridiculous taking it out to his car to take home. I have felt that same walk of embarrassment many a time.

A couple weeks ago, the sky was fucking beautiful for about three minutes. So glad my gran told me to go outside. At first I was like, "Ugh, what?" and then I saw the pink clouds. Serious cotton candy clouds, and you guys know how those are my favorite kind.

I posted a very small paragraph from something I'd been working on a while back. I wrote more and I love it. I have no idea where I'm going with it. And this is why it's been a little over a month since I've written for it; after my accident, I didn't want to do anything at all. And I still don't. I feel like I've been in the karmic shithouse for a while now, and unfortunately, it isn't a creative place for me at all.
That is all for now, maybe I will think of something later.

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