Friday, September 4, 2009

This is me.

Senior portrait '09.

Finally listening to Some Mad Hope album by Matt Nathanson. So amazing. Everyone who likes good music should run to their nearest record store and BUY THAT ALBUM.

PS, this is me tonight. I haven't worn makeup in so many days. I have such dark circles around my eyes. They are telling you I haven't slept, but I want you to know they are lying. I have been sleeping, but my dreams have been strange. Last night, I dreamed Alee and I traveled through time to get places. Her mom wouldn't drive because the stickers on her car weren't up to date (this is true in life as well), so we sat on something and traveled through time. Everything was blue, like all the color was replaced by the same royal blue, but the shadows remained black, like an Andy Warhol print. We got to my house and it did not look like my house. It was more bleak and quiet. Alone. No one was home, despite the hunter green SUV (which I do not have) in the drive way that did not look like my own drive way.

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