Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dear Universe,

I think you are telling me that I should meet Jackson Rathbone because that is the karma that I deserve. However, I will not be meeting him. I would rather 100 Monkeys come to my own turf aka Houston and play a show, because then I could meet him there, where the music is being played, as opposed to a CD signing. I'm wondering if this is a bad idea on my part or what. But I am not going to meet JRath at Barnes and Noble with a bunch of screaming Twilight fans who are only there because Jackson played Jasper. I would have rather have gone to see their show last night than meet them at a CD signing. Or meet them at all. I really just want to see them live. Yes, it's awesome to meet the bands and tell them how great you think they are and whatnot because it makes them feel good, but I'd rather it be at a show. I just think it's a much better place to meet a band. So, please, universe, bring 100 Monkeys to Houston and let me meet them there.
Love, Morgan
PS, I know that I am selfish.

This photo represents how I feel most of the time. I took it at Robek's with Alee's amazing camera.


  1. Haha, P.S. Made me laugh.
    I love you. So much.

  2. I sort of regret not going and not being able to take a photo of his Avatar hair and bump into him with my lips. Le sigh.
